Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freeze Frame

5 Months here. Only to get bigger and bigger and bigger....

Very random piece of art. We visited the tiny Florida town of Seaside this summer, and saw this in the shop window. It was so beautiful, but the shop was closed :(

Bad Puppies: Maya and Pekoe

My love and I

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Here Comes The...Stork!

super big news!
Andrew and I are expecting our first baby, a little boy we're naming Luke Avery, and he's due December 10th!

We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves!

so despite the craziness of pregnancy ups and downs (the fact that i feel like an umpa lumpa and i never get any sleep while Andrew drifts off peacefully beside me...things of that nature) we couldn't be happier.

our family is growing, growing! The two dachshunds are preparing for baby Luke's arrival by creating chaos around the apartment and going to doggy school (aka obedience classes. Puppy Maya has a lovely habbit of pee-peeing on the bed and chewing her parents shoes)

So what began as wedding planning and wonderful home furnishing trips to Costco World Market is now on hold for baby-mania! But how cool, huh? All because two people fell in love... :D

We're painting his nursery walls a pale grey-blue and his theme is classic Winnie The Pooh (check out Pooh & the gang's latest book here!). We'll have more pictures as the craziness progresses!

triple love!
Rachael, Andrew and Luke

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cupcake Party with T.Hill

these were soooo delicious
i really don't want to brag but i mean...
they were pretty fantastic

Yes, we had a little help from Betty...but can you blame us?!
Tiffany would have cooked up some awesome scratch cupcakes, if only i had the proper ingredients.
That's what happens when Andrew is away for the week, cooking at the Golf Masters.

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Baby cuteness for your Tuesday!

Daelyn Rain, my bff Amanda's cutie pants daughter.
How adorable are those cheeks?!

I can't believe she's almost 2.

Me with Amanda and Daelyn

Phoenix Jackson
My lovely friend Brianna's new born son.
He is the calmest baby i've ever met.
Lucky mama!

How adorable are they?!
My friends have the cutest babies :D

xoxo Rai

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Reason #236 Why I love Andrew

He spends a whole day baking me a scratch buttercream birthday cake!
Now if that isn't love.... :D

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The Big Time

So now, fiance is a chef.
A real, fancy pants, professional sous chef in Atlanta.
He is such a major foodie
and he can do all sorts of cool things like food art and the world's best grilled cheese sandwiches!
I am very jealous of course because i cannot cook at all.
And here's a little confession:
i'm not so sure that i even like to!
thank goodness for Andy!

I still think i want to write.
And be a metalsmith/jewelry designer.
And a filmmaker.

I'm loving our new vegetable and herb garden, which is defiantly more my thing.
We planted TONS of tomatoes, squash and melons
along with basil, rosemary, lemon basil
annnnd an Alba plant....more on that later.

I'm cramming like crazy for tomorrow's finals
and i'm beginning to wonder if i will ever graduate college.
I am such a major procrastinator that, of course, i'm playing on the internet
and casually looking over at my textbooks.
And of course, today has the first lovely weather in weeks.
Thank goodness Andrew made me cupcakes!
Happy end of finals ya'll!

xoxo Rai

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Have You Read...

The Time Traveler's Wife
By Audrey Niffenegger

If you havn't, you are doing yourself a serious dis-service.
To correct this problem, go here to and check it out, i promise you one of the best books you'll ever read.

The movie version (which i'm both anticipating and dreading, because, you know, i'm a book nerd and i love this book so much, it would be tres mal if it got ruined)
will be staring Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana pictured here.

Thoughts? Comments?

Got any good book reccomendations?


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